Monday, December 24, 2012

Life with Titan

I now share an abode with Mark Twain reincarnate. If only as a little fluff ball gatito named Titan (pronounced Teetawwwn). For background I'll explain the back story. I was supposed to move to Palermo in late December where I was planning on living and working permanently. However two weeks ago a friend of mine emailed that she would be going away and that I could house-sit until February, and for part of that time monitor Titan, the cat I have dubbed as Twain.

Tell me there isn't a resemblance!

Titan and I get along well. At least I think we do. I'll often catch him peering at me from around a corner or behind a chair. I think he's still not quite sure who I am, although I think he's beginning to warm up to me. As he has been here longer he has taken on the leading role in the household, and I have informally acquiesced. Why, one might ask, should I allow a cat, no, a gatito, manage the household? Well for starters he is Twain, of that there is no doubt. I see it when he gives me those contemptuous, highly critical, and bemused stares as he sees I have no idea what I am doing half the time.

For example, for the past several days Titan watched me in bemused fashion as I tried desperately to fix the broken internet connection. I knew the connection needed to be fixed because that is my primary means of communicating with my employer, students, and family. I called the internet company, desperately trying to bumble my way to a solution in beleaguered Spanish, endeavoring to correct the horrible mishap. Many times I looked to Titan in envy as he sat in calm repose, staring at me. I could imagine him asking me "what is it exactly you are trying to do? Don't you know you are taking this all too seriously friend?" He would give a half smile and dismiss me as a hopeless cause, as one not worthy of any extra efforts on his part. Well, thankfully with the help of the building's manager I was finally able to correct the faulty internet, and now for the most part life is sanguine.

I am beginning to take on some of the cheerful ambivalence that Titan exemplifies so marvelously. Often, in periods of relaxation, I will venture to the beautiful balcony that commands a wide view of the city. From there I can do everything from reading Twain, take a cat nap, or observe the rooftops of other people doing exactly the same as I. Apparently you can even see the fireworks from there on New Years - that'll be a treat!

Here are a few photos of the view from the balcony. I'm off to a traditional Argentine asado tonight to celebrate Christmas. I'll be making a potato salad to bring along - yes it's very American, but I felt since I am American it is only fitting.

Enjoy the pics.


1 comment:

  1. I think Twain himself would have loved the comparison to Titan!
