Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Roach Hunt

Surprise surprise folks! 

You probably all knew this was coming, and if not, well, just by living in Buenos Aires means the topic is bound to come up at least at some point. Roaches are everywhere. The city is full of them. The infestation is rampant. I usually see at least one 3 incher smashed on the sidewalk when I'm going down the street. I guess combining a sub-tropical climate, a heavily urbanized population, very old buildings, and poor sanitation all come together to make this the perfect haven for a roach empire. Almost daily I'll see a 3 incher smashed against the sidewalk and at night I'll usually see them scurrying around, avoiding traffic and pedestrians until an unwary individual takes a step and hears a crunch. 

I decided it was finally time for this post, especially as a new situation has come to light. The roaches have begun to appear in the kitchen! The infestation has begun! I will no longer sit back passively and watch the roaches climb up and down the walls (I didn't do that to begin with but it does sound poetic : )
The war has begun, and this post is an account of how I am fighting that war and how I will hopefully prevail. 

The other night I discovered the dreadful little critters when I turned on the lights to the kitchen and immediately saw some tiny little black things scurrying every which way. I picked up the raid as fast as a cowboy can draw his six shooter and executed all of them faster than a cowboy could say yeehaaaw. Casualties were minimal however and, after counting the dead at 6, knew I had a lot of work to go. 

There is an old saying in roach country that goes "If you see one roach then there are undoubtedly more." Indeed, possibly thousands more. You could be living a floorboard away from a 10,000 strong roach army and not have a clue until it is too late. Not only do they multiply nearly as fast as single-celled organisms, but they are just about the toughest things to kill. They can live without food for well over a month, and I can recall having to spray one roach at least three times with the raid before it finally gave up the ghost.

All that being said, I don't think my problem is bad, at least not yet. They do monthly fumigation here to kill off the roaches and I also decided to arm myself as well with some weapons of my own. All of the roaches I have seen have been tiny, which means they are most likely a new invasion, and I probably brought them in with me. In my previous skirmishes with the little devils I traced their possible encampment to under or around the sink area, so that is where I decided to set up the majority of my assault weapons. 

Here are my weapons of choice. For defense I have the raid. My offensive weapons include the Somerset insecticide gel, which the roaches eat and then spread to all the other roaches, eventually wiping them out; and the two peach juice and water traps. You line the inside walls with vaseline so the roaches can get in and swim to their hearts content but then they have no way of getting out. Yes, I know, this is all very sinister, but I am at war now and I must be ruthless. After all, they are a ruthless enemy.

Shhhh, I think they might be in there.

The previous tenant left quite a few old beer bottles, a perfect hangout for roaches. My first step was to clear them away and see if the roaches were hiding behind them. 

Alas no, my theory was incorrect. But since this is where most of the sightings have been I will place most of my weapons here. 

First for the roach gel. I'm even wearing the powdered latex gloves for good measure.

Lastly I place the roach traps under the sink. Tomorrow we'll see what tonight's battle brings.


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