This past weekend saw a flurry of social activity which in normal circumstances is rare for me. Thursday with volleyball, friday assisting a friend to paint her new apartment, Saturday organic food market and joda in the evening, and today I ventured to Colonia Uruguay to renew my visa and relax.
Perhaps all this activity was a reaction to the social exile I had imposed on myself earlier in the week. Sometimes I will enter periods of reflection, which usually last between one and three days, and during which time I refrain from social activity as much as possible. This is simply because during these temporary exiles to my "thought cave" socializing is something I really don't want to do, and I need to balance my system.
I went with Noelia, who I had helped the night before with the painting, and we shared wonderful conversation while eating perhaps the best pastry I have ever eaten. I recall after having finished it thinking that my life had finally been completed and nothing more could ever top the experience of eating that pastry.
We purchased the pastry from Möoi, a contemporary cafe and restaurant located in the Belgrano neighborhood of BsAs, but who also had a stall at the fair.
We purchased the pastry from Möoi, a contemporary cafe and restaurant located in the Belgrano neighborhood of BsAs, but who also had a stall at the fair.
There is also a used book market in Parque Rivadavia and Noelia recommended I buy a poetry book by Alfonsina Storni, which apparently will be a good way to practice my Spanish vocabulary and enjoy a little melodrama. As a back story, Storni apparently committed suicide, writing her last poem "Voy a Dormir", and submitting it to the newspaper La Nacion, immediately before walking out into the sea and drowning. Depressing I know, but I get a kick out of the melodrama : )
Here is the poem below.
Voy a Dormir
Dientes de flores, cofia de rocío,
manos de hierbas, tú, nodriza fina,
tenme prestas las sábanas terrosas
y el edredón de musgos escardados.
Voy a dormir, nodriza mía, acuéstame.
Ponme una lámpara a la cabecera;
una constelación; la que te guste;
todas son buenas; bájala un poquito.
Déjame sola: oyes romper los brotes...
te acuna un pie celeste desde arriba
y un pájaro te traza unos compases
para que olvides... Gracias. Ah, un encargo:
si él llama nuevamente por teléfono
le dices que no insista, que he salido...
Now in English - my poor translation : )
I Am Going to Sleep
Flower petals, capped with dew,
Handfulls of herbs, you, my nurse,
allow me to borrow your earthy sheets
and quilt of weedy moss
I am going to sleep, oh my nurse, lie me down.
Keep a lamp by the bedside;
a constellation; whichever you wish;
all are pleasant; lower it just a little.
Leave me alone: Listen to the breaking buds...
it cradles you in a celestial body from above
and a bird traces movements
For that which you forget... thank you. Ah, an order:
If he calls again
tell him not to insist, that I have gone...
This is a poor translation but I did my best. If anyone thinks corrections need to be made please comment.
Below are a few pictures from my trip to Colonia today.
The pier |
Fish can drive! |
I go to Cafe Ganache every time I am in Colonia. |
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