Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day Two: Getting things done, one success at a time

I think I can mark today as a string of successes, one right after another. I had a long list of things I needed to sort out by the end of the day and right now I can say with a smile that they have all been completed. First on the list get a subway pass. Check. Next learn to use the subway system. Check. Next check out a room for rent in a different neighborhood of the city. Check.Find my way back. Check. Have a long conversation in Spanish with a nice stranger named Luis. Check. Work on my sketching skills. Check.

This was a pretty long list, by far the most important were the first three. In order to use the public transport cheaply and efficiently in Buenos Aires, having a SUBE (Sistema Unico Boleto Electronico) pass is a must. Finding one if you don't know where to look is a little more difficult. Many shops will recharge your SUBE but in order to actually get a card you have to go to a streetside Kiosk or post office, wave your passport around a bit, fill out a brief form, and your good to go. I decided that a post office seemed more official, but after looking for one that was open (I found one but it was only open from 12-16hs) for about an hour I finally settled on a kiosk and within minutes I had my SUBE.

Next I had to use the subterraneo (subway). I had been told to watch for pickpockets by the landlord I was going to visit about the apartment so I made sure to only bring the bare minimum, only a few hundred pesos, my Nook in case I needed to access wifi, and my passport, all safely concealed in my bag. Luckily I had met with one of my local contacts the day before and he really clarified how the public transit system worked, especially the subways.

The apartment is located in a really nice neighborhood known as Recoleta. I will be sharing it with several other people but I have a private room all to myself and there is a nice courtyard that I can enjoy as well. I will post pictures of the apartment tomorrow.

When I returned to San Telmo I went to Parque Lezama to sketch a drawing of a monument there. I have put both my sketch and a photo up for reference, although they are from different angles.

Here is another statue from the same park.

While I was in the park I met a sweet elderly gentleman named Luis who claimed to have owned an antique shop in San Telmo, which I thought was probably true because there are LOTS of antique stores in San Telmo. Cafes, bookstores, and antique shops probably make up two thirds of all businesses in the neighborhood (ok, that's an exaggeration but they are literally everywhere). We spoke in Spanish for several hours at which point he wanted to schedule a time for us to meet the next day. It was a difficult situation for me because I didn't really know him that well yet he was very nice and helped me with my Spanish quite a bit. Anyways we left it with him giving me his number and that I could give him a call once I get settled in to the new apartment and have some free time. I think that was the best way to leave it for now.

The end of day two and a string of successes!


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